Black Mama Response

By Kinsey Eager

It was really interesting to hear Black Mama speak and sing. She was so passionate about everything she stood for and knew her values from the heart which was pretty inspiring for a college student finding themselves. When she sang, even though it was in Spanish and I couldn’t really understand what she was saying, I knew she was singing about something important and something that was extremely close to her heart. It was also pretty impactful when she spoke about the things going on in Ecuador. It hit me when she was talking about how sexism and racism is so bad where she’s from. When someone from the audience asked how her music and her image gets backlash from it’s content and she spoke on how she is criticized and abused all the time, it was very inspiring because if she can get through all of that adversity to fight for what’s right, then so can I. She is a very strong, empowered (not to mention badass) woman and people need to see that more in their lives.

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